SEO Chatter

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It's feels like Christmas today for this SEO

Hey Reader, I've got a new SEO blog post for you today. But first, a bit of personal news... Here's what I happily woke up to this morning. Paperback version of the Keyword Accelerator Playbook
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I love SEO but this topic is also a game-changer

I'm taking a hard detour from SEO today Reader. And bringing up another crucial topic every blogger, niche site builder, and affiliate marketer should be thinking about if they truly care about the
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The SEO copycat strikes again

The other day I was scrolling though my Twitter feed and came across something absurd. Someone was complaining about another website copying their content. But instead of just copying the words
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SEO word count demystified

There's no shortage of people asking "What's the best word count for SEO?" It seems like every Facebook group and Reddit post is full of people looking for the magic number to write
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SEO word count demystified

There's no shortage of people asking "What's the best word count for SEO?" It seems like every Facebook group and Reddit post is full of people looking for the magic number to write
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SEOs are charging you what?

What's the going price of SEO these days? Well Reader, if you go to a site like Fiverr, you'll find all sorts of "exPeRts" who'll give you a complete SEO package for the low, low
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New content marketing case studies

You clearly follow me to learn SEO Reader. I've even branded myself as such by putting the acronym "SEO" in the business name (SEO Chatter). But today, I wanted to switch things up just a
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Ezoic is better than I thought

Happy Wins-day Reader! I hope you're getting some wins with your website this week—even if they're small gains because every little bit counts in the world of SEO. As for me, I've been
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Let's talk about how SEO works

I'm a half cup full today Reader. I'm dragging this morning because my Keurig machine decided to flake out on me and barely brewed a drop of coffee. Truth is it's been on the fritz for
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Why did the SEO cross the road?

He wanted to get hit with traffic Reader! Now, why did the search engine receive a lawsuit? Because it was a creepy crawler. I hope those SEO jokes brought a smile to your face. Have fun reading the
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SEO trends to watch in 2022

It's been quite a whirlwind around here Reader! Over the last 24 hours, I've had a lot of people sign up for the Keyword Accelerator Playbook and ask some great questions inside the course
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[It's done] The new SEO keyword playbook

I have some exciting news to share with you Reader! The new SEO keyword research and content planning guide is now available! I'd like to introduce you to the Keyword Accelerator Playbook. ​ This
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Affiliate marketing SEO strategies that work

Hey Reader, A while back, LE McArthur wrote an amazing guide for SEO Chatter on how to make better affiliate marketing websites. She manages over 50+ websites and knows a heck of a lot about how profit
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The perfect video SEO strategy

How's your video SEO strategy Reader? Are you completely lost with it like so many others in the SEO community? Well, I can tell you firsthand that videos, especially on YouTube, can drive massive
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Long tail vs short tail keywords

Happy Wednesday Reader! Today's SEO post explains the difference between long tail and short tail keywords. Inside, you'll learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of keyword
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Best SEO anchor text ratio for backlinks

Want to hear a true story Reader? It's a big reason why I wrote the SEO post I'm sharing with you today. Here it goes... Many moons ago, I hired an SEO agency to help me build backlinks to a
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Only 3 hours left... [Reviews inside]

We just hit 304 members in the Mastering On-Page SEO course today Reader. And I'd love to have you on the inside too. As a reminder, the Memorial Day sale ends in 3 hours at 11:59 pm And to get the
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1-day sale on my SEO course

Hi Reader! It's Memorial Day here in the USA and a lot of us have the day off from work because it's a federal holiday. Back when I had a steady 9-5 job, I always looked forward to holidays
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How to find the most search keywords on Google

Happy Friday Reader! I'm about 10 minutes late for an online training seminar I signed up for. (To help grow my business of course.) But I wanted to get this email out to you before I get deep into
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Need your opinion + Why keyword research is important

I've had an idea rattling in the back of my mind for quite a while Reader. And I'd love to hear your opinion on it before you dig into today's SEO blog post (link below). Here's the